When we started dreaming of this magazine in the spring of 2023, we never imagined that it would ever come to fruition. It was a dream for us to think about doing one day, and then, all of a sudden, it became a reality for us. 

As wedding photographers ourselves, we felt that it was important to create a publication that's inclusive and that shows the beauty of New England. Kelly was born and raised in New Hampshire and currently resides in Maine, and although Caitlin was born and raised in California, she spent every summer of her life in New Hampshire and currently resides there. We both understand and appreciate the beauty that New England provides. There is so much talent in this little corner of the US, and we wanted to make sure that couples could access it all. 

One of the pillars that we chose early on was that we wanted to feature joyful couples who aren't afraid of using color or thinking outside the box. We’re both bright and colorful photographers, so it was important to us that we could showcase weddings and photographers that leaned a little more towards that punch of vibrant color that we love! 

As avid readers ourselves, we also love physical magazines and books, and we agree that there’s truly nothing better than finding inspiration in a magazine and dog earing the pages for future reference. 

We are so thankful for the response that we’ve received from the New England wedding industry and we can’t wait to see where we can take this! 

we're so glad you're here!

Kelly lives on the coast of Maine with her husband, her mini, and their dog. She's been a wedding photographer for the last decade, and worked as a teacher of little humans for ten years. Her favorite part of a wedding is definitely the first look - the first moment they see each other is just chef's kiss.

girl mom • book worm


Caitlin lives in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire with her husband and their dog. She's been a wedding photographer for the last decade, and worked in EMS prior to that. Her favorite part of a wedding day is watching the couple recess down the aisle radiating absolute joy!

dog mom • gardening enthusiast


a fun-loving, goofy pair of photogs who just so happened to co-found a wedding magazine

About the founders:
Caitlin & Kelly

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